Table of Contents
Widefield Systems
Spinning Disk Confocals
Point Scanning Confocals
Light Sheet Microscopes
Brightfield / Stereo Microscopes
Multiphoton Microscopes
Bioluminescence System
No longer available...
Where are the microscopes?
Widefield Systems
Spinning Disk Confocals
Point Scanning Confocals
Light Sheet Microscopes
Brightfield / Stereo Microscopes
Multiphoton Microscopes
Bioluminescence System
No longer available...
[Lisbon] Zeiss LSM 710
→ retired
[Lisbon] Colossus
- Image processing and analysis workstation → retired
[Lisbon] Leica DM5000B
→ retired
[Lisbon] Nikon Eclipse TE2000-E
→ retired
[Lisbon] Zeiss Lumar V12
→ moved to Fish Facility
[Lisbon] Big Guy
- Image processing and analysis workstation → retired
[Lisbon] Brainstorm
- SVI Huygens deconvolution server → retired
[Lisbon] Zeiss LSM 7 Live
→ retired
[Lisbon] Zeiss LSM 510 META
→ retired
[Lisbon] Andor Revolution
→ moved to
NOVA Medical School
[Lisbon] Zeiss LSM 510
→ retired
[Lisbon] Leica DMR
→ retired
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