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Location: [Oeiras] Room 0B06
Manufacturer: Zeiss
Model: Observer + LSM980 + Airyscan2
Nickname: LSM 980
Software: Zen blue v3.3
Year: 2019
Data will be deleted after: 1 month  
ZEISS LSM 980 with Airyscan 2 Quality Control
ZEISS LSM 980 with Airyscan 2 Usage Statistics

Microscope overview

The Zeiss LSM 980 is an inverted microscope equipped with a laser scanning head with a total of 6 PMT/GaAsp + 1 Airyscan detectors. The Airyscan can achieve non-diffraction limited optical sectioning with resolutions down to 140nm laterally and ~400nm axially. It also allows acquisition in “Multiplexing” mode(s), which accelerate the acquisition speed (4/8x faster) or in sensitivity mode that enhances the signal-to-noise acquisition.

The microscope is also equipped with a dark heating and atmospheric control chamber to allow live imaging of mammalian cells (O2 control is also possible, upon request). We have available an objective inverter for some intra-vital or open-dish applications (upon request only, requires preparation).

System components


Laser Excitation line
UV 405nm
Blue 488nm
Green 561nm
Red 639nm

Eyepieces filterset(s)

Position Filterset Reference Excitation Dichroic Emission


Magnification Model Immersion NA WD (mm) Reference
2.5x - 0.085 8.8
10x - 0.45 2.0
20x - 0.75 0.55
25x W/Sil/Gly/Oil* 0.8 0.57
40x W 1.1 0.62
63x Oil 1.4 0.14

*ask staff for help setting up the proper immersion medium setting


1x blue-green multialkali PMT

4x GaAsP PMT spectral detectors (tunable between 450-750 nm)

1x green-far-red multialkali PMT

1x T-PMT detector (brighfield)

1x Airyscan2 detector

Airyscan2 filters

Position Emission

Turning ON

1. Verify if the fluorescent lamp is not hot (touch it), otherwise wait until it’s cold (10-15min). Afterwards, turn on the switch. NOTE. If Zen or the microscope are started with the fluorescence illuminator “OFF” they will not see it and need to be restarted afterwards.

2. Turn on the microscope and the Definite focus control box.

3. Turn on laser key (turn laser key clockwise (or counter-clockwise?) to downward position) in the unit below the table.

4. Login into your aGina account on the computer. Start ZEN Blue 3.3.

Turning OFF


1. Remove the sample and Gently wipe with optic cleaning paper and EtOH paper the immersion objective(s) used. If you suspect the objective needs deep cleaning please inform the staff.

2. Transfer your data to the institutional server (never connect USB sticks or disks on this workstation).

3. Check that the incubator(s) are off, unless they are needed by the next user (ask staff).

4. Close ZEN and logout from windows (if there’s an user after you, you can now leave the microscope). If there is no one in the next 2h, turn off the fluorescence lamp (behind the computer screen) and also exit Zen. If you are the last user of the day (check bookings in Agendo): Turn off Laser key (to horizontal position) in the large unit under the table and turn off the microscope and definite focus control box.

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zeiss_lsm_980_oeiras.txt · Last modified: 2025/01/11 17:14 by bioimaging