The Bioimaging Platform offers state-of-the-art personalized support in all steps of research done with Light Microscopy at GIMM, housing over 30 high-end systems including point-scanning confocal, spinning disk confocal, multiphoton, lightsheet, widefield, slide scanning, and advanced image analysis workstations.
From the very first question to the moment of discovery and publication, we sit with researchers to advise, teach, train, and assist in image acquisition, analysis and processing, empowering scientists with cutting-edge technology and expertise.
In addition to daily hands-on training of users, we organize regular courses and workshops in basic and advanced light microscopy techniques and bioimage analysis.
We are a node of Portuguese Platform of Bioimaging (PPBI), a nationwide consortium of imaging facilities which integrates the European research infrastructure Euro-BioImaging ERIC. We are also a ZEISS labs@location Partner, integrating a community of advanced microscopy facilities providing in-depth knowledge, dedicated services across a wide range of applications and instrumentation, and scientific support to ZEISS customers.
If you used our services, please acknowledge us in publications or other formal presentations. This is one of our key performance indicators and very important for future funding. You are welcome to use the following examples:
“Microscopy experiments were performed at the Bioimaging Platform of the Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine.”
“We thank the technical support of the Bioimaging Platform of the Gulbenkian Institute for Molecular Medicine, funded by PPBI-POCI-01-0145-FEDER-022122.”
Thank you!
The Bioimaging Platform provides training and assistance in planning optical microscopy-oriented projects, choosing materials and equipment, preparing samples, acquiring data, analyzing and processing acquired images, presenting and publishing results.
The facility houses over 30 high-end systems, including five inverted laser point scanning confocal microscopes with motorized stage, piezo and super-resolution detector prepared for live cell imaging [3x ZEISS LSM 980 with Airyscan 2 (one of them with a 32-channel spectral detector), ZEISS LSM 900 with Airyscan 2, ZEISS LSM 880 with Airyscan), and one fully automated inverted widefield and point scanning confocal microscope optimized for high-throughput live imaging in well-plates (ZEISS Celldiscoverer 7 with LSM 900)], seven inverted spinning disk confocal microscopes with motorized stage, piezo and EM-CCD/sCMOS cameras prepared for live cell imaging [3x 3i Marianas SDC (one of them with TIRF and in a BSL2 room), Andor Dragonfly SDC, Andor Spinning Disk W1, Leica Spinning Disk Confocal, and ZEISS Cell Observer SD], three light-sheet microscopes prepared for water and clearing media immersion imaging (2x ZEISS Lightsheet Z.1, and Miltenyi UltraMicroscope Blaze), two multi-photon microscopes (Prairie Multiphoton and Leica SP8 MP), seven fully motorized inverted widefield microscopes with cooled CCD/CMOS cameras (Agilent Cytation 5 multimode reader with incubation, Deltavision OMX-SIM super-resolution with incubation and SIM-TIRF, Nikon Eclipse Ti with stage top incubation and a Ionoptix calcium and contractility measurement system, Nikon HTM-HCS with incubation, ZEISS Cell Observer with a large cage incubator and an Akoya PhenoCycler for spatial phenotyping, ZEISS Imager with Apotome 2 with 8 slide carrier, and ZEISS Axiovert 200M), one automated slide scanner for fluorescence and brightfield scanning up to 100 slides (ZEISS Axioscan 7), two fluorescence stereo microscopes with CCD/CMOS cameras (ZEISS Axio Zoom.V16, and ZEISS Stereo Lumar.V12) and other imaging resources such as a brightfield microscope (Leica DM2500) and a bioluminescence/fluorescence imaging system (IVIS Lumina). There are also high spec workstations for image analysis and processing (Amira, Chronos, Huygens, Imaris, Z2, Z3, and ZEISS LSM 980-32 Workstations).
The Bioimaging systems are available on the online booking system for trained researchers 7 days a week and 24 hours per day. User training in each particular system is mandatory, even for researchers with previous microscopy experience.
The Bioimaging Prototyping service is also available for consultancy, on-demand fabrication requests for new devices and tools, and training on prototyping equipment and microfabrication cleanroom.
We charge according to booked time in each microscopy system. Online booking is mandatory for each usage session and cancellations are allowed if they are made prior to reserved time. Users that do not show up at their booked sessions will be charged in full.
All new users must contact the Bioimaging Platform for training in each specific system. This also applies to researchers with previous experience in microscopy. Only trained users are allowed to book usage sessions on a particular microscope.
GIMM Bioimaging Platform
    GIMM Lisbon Site
    Edifício Egas Moniz
    Avenida Professor Egas Moniz
    1649-028 Lisboa, Portugal
    ☎ 47305
    GIMM Oeiras Site
    Rua da Quinta Grande 6
    2780-156 Oeiras, Portugal
    ☎ 214464533
    ☎ 4533
9:00 - 17:30 (with a 1h break for lunch) for Training, Assistance and Consultations
24 hours, 7 days a week for Equipment Usage by authorized, trained users (see Usage Policies)