How to access our equipment?
• Our systems are available to GIMM researchers and external users. Check our systems
hourly fees.
• You need to use GIMM's booking system (
Agendo) to book our equipment.
Contact us for a Consultation session by email, phone (47305 in Lisbon, 4533 in Oeiras) or using Agendo.
• We will reply to you as soon as possible to schedule a meeting, to discuss experimental strategies and decide the most appropriate
• After a Consultation we will give you in training permission to book a system for an Assisted Acquisition.
• Depending on your needs and usage frequency, you may be eligible for Training on a particular system, for Independent Usage (check details below).
How can we help you?

Consultation - The first step is to meet us to discuss your needs and determine the most appropriate microscope.
Test First - If necessary, we will give you permission in the booking system to schedule a test (with us) to decide the appropriate system.
Assisted Acquisition - We will give you in training access and assist you with data acquisition, no training required.
If you use a microscope system regularly, we can train you to become fully independent:
Training is mandatory for independent use, even if you have already used the microscope elsewhere. We book the training session.
Assisted Use must occur within 1 week after training. We will help you during acquisition.
Independence - Once you are comfortable with using the microscope on your own, you will be given regular user privileges.
Image Analysis - We can help you analyze your data more efficiently by developing image analysis and processing tools.
Publication - We can also help you writing materials and methods and preparing figures for a manuscript with microscopy data.
Please Note
After you are a fully independent user, you can request technical assistance when necessary (e.g. for troubleshooting, new settings, etc.)
If you do not book a microscope for assisted sessions within 1 week after training, you may need to be trained again
If you do not use a microscope for more than 1 month, we may contact you to assess the need for re-training
If you misuse a microscope or fail to follow turn on/off procedures, you will be re-trained and go back to Assisted Use
We are always available for consultations and advice on all things related to microscopy. Feel free to
contact us (☎ 47305 in Lisbon, 4533 in Oeiras), we will gladly help you with your microscopy needs and discuss your ideas.
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