HRS4R | Human Resources Strategy for Researchers
The "Human Resource Strategy for Researchers - HRS4R" for iMM and HRS4R Certification Process.

The iMM – Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes is a leading Portuguese private non-profit research institute that offers a vibrant scientific environment, aiming to nurture innovative ideas in basic, clinical and translational biomedical research, with more than 500 Researchers.
Created in 2002, iMM has established itself as a leading national and internationally competitive biomedical institute. Its strategy has been defined by the promotion of excellence, leveraged by high-quality human resources, increasing expenditure in infrastructures and knowledge transfer to the society.
The Human Resources Strategies 4 Researchers (HRS4R) prepared by the European Commission, is designed as a tool for the implementation of the recommendations regarding the rights and responsibilities of researchers and their employers and/or funders, listed in the "European Charter for Researchers" and in the "Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers" (C&C) and emerges with the aim of making the research career more attractive and intends to give all researchers in any European Union Member State the same rights and obligations, independently of the country they live in. Entities adhering to the strategy receive the recognition of HR Excellence in Research.
In this context, iMM identified the need to design its own human resources strategy that includes the requirements set forth in the European Charter for Researchers and the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers, beginning the process to tackle this project in July 2nd 2018, by sending the endorsement letter.
Following a preliminary audit from the EC and in order to achieve this certification iMM implemented a comprehensive assessment survey to the all community of iMM , with the final objective to draft a Human Resources Strategy following the best European practices.
The survey assessed the participant’s agreement level to each statement describing a Charter and Code concept and the level of importance attributed to it. The option to suggest improvements was given for each question.
- Participants characterization
iMM João Lobo Antunes has 708 members, of which 140 (20%) participated in the data collection. The survey link, was sent to the all the iMM community in December 2021.
- Gender and Age Distribution

Fig. 1
From those who participated in the survey, 98 identified as Female (70%), 40 as male (28,6%) and 2 Preferred not to say (1,4%).

Fig. 2
The participants were distibuted across the given age ranges in fig.2.

- Academic Degree Distribution

Fig. 3
The participants Academic degree is distributed as follow:

According to the new Euraxess classification, four broad profiles that aplly to all researchers were created. The respondants were distributed as shown in the table below.

- Distribution by Employment Type

Fig. 4
The participants employment type is distributed as follow:

- Charter and Code Concepts
The concepts developed in this survey are structured in 4 sections:
- Ethical and Professional Aspects
- Recruitment and Selection
- Working Conditions and Social Security
- Training and Development
Following this survey iMM developed the necessary documents to proceed with the certification process, namely the GAP analysis, Action plan and OTM-R. The Action Plan and OTM-R can be downloaded from the links below:
iMM’s Human Resources Strategy follows the best European practices. Its implementation is promoted by the Board of Directors of the organization and requires the participation of several departments as well as the whole community.
The committee responsible for overseeing the process (steering committee) was appointed by the Board of Directors, is representative of our community and consists of a heterogeneous and interdisciplinary group. The working group includes representatives from all levels of iMM. Both groups collaborated in an inclusive and open process and actively, voluntarily and responsibly participated in the Gap Analysis Process and Action Plan.
The composition of the Steering Committee responsible for overseeing the process and the Working Group responsible for implementing the process can be found trough the links below:
In order to monitor the implementation of the defined measures, progression meetings will be scheduled with every working Group involved to ensure completion within the timeline or to adjust the timeline.
In October 2022 iMM was awarded with the HR Excellence in Research award. The granting of the HR Award represents the start of the Implementation Phase where iMM will work to implement the actions outlined in the Action Plan
The achievement of the measures defined in the action plan along with the self-assessment procedures and the compromise of iMM with continuous improvement will enable iMM to fully implement the principles of the European Charter for Researchers and Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and therefore benefit the entire research community.

European Comission Charter & Code for Researchers
Action Plan
The iMM – Instituto de Medicina Molecular João Lobo Antunes is a leading Portuguese private non-profit research institute that offers a vibrant scientific environment, aiming to nurture innovative ideas in basic, clinical and translational biomedical research, with more than 500 Researchers.
Created in 2002, iMM has established itself as a leading national and internationally competitive biomedical institute. Its strategy has been defined by the promotion of excellence, leveraged by high-quality human resources, increasing expenditure in infrastructures and knowledge transfer to the society.
iMM is an inclusive, equal opportunity employer offering attractive conditions and benefits.
Please consult here the iMM Action Plan.
Group Tables
Recruitment Policy (OTM-R)
The iMM aims to provide a dynamic and vibrant scientific environment to promote basic, clinical, and translational biomedical research.
The human capital of the institute is essential for the success of its mission.
Thus, the IMM ensures that the recruitment and selection of its employees is done through a process:
- open
- transparent
- with equal opportunities
- through fair and merit-based evaluation
and which aims to ensure that the candidate selected, based on merit, is the person with the most suitable profile.
The iMM encourages and values international mobility and experience, as well as between different institutions.
The iMM encourages applications from anyone, regardless of race, colour, sex, age, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, marital status, citizenship, disability, for the positions it offers.
Recruitment and selection processes opened by iMM are always published on its website, as well as on the Euraxess website and other dissemination channels that are appropriate for the proper dissemination of the position in question.
The principles of transparency, openness and evaluation by merit are transversal to the recruitment and selection of all positions in the iMM, and the procedure may be adapted according to the nature or type of position.
The iMM favors the opening of a tender procedure for all positions regardless of the legal obligation to do so.
Initiation of the procedure and information needed to start the call:
After identification of the recruitment need and approval, by the iMM, of the opening of the application, the head of the service that intends to recruit should send the request for the opening of the position, to the human resources department of the iMM, through Google forms, available on the Institute’s intranet, on the Human Resources webpage.
Click here to check a preview of the form.
In that request, the responsible person shall indicate the following information:
- Funding provinence;
- Contractual type;
- Contract typology;
- Project (name, acronym, reference, deadline);
- Gross base salary;
- Duration;
- Position authorized.
Template for Fellowship Notice
See 6.2 Template Fellowship Notice
Templates for Employment Contract Notice
6.3 Template Employment Contract Notice_FCT
6.4 Template Employment Contract Notice_PhD
6.5 Template Employment Contract Notice_non-FCT
Rules for the selection committee (Jury)
- The members of the jury shall have diverse expertise and competences.
- At least one member of the selection board should come from the scientific field of the recruitment in question.
- Appropriate gender balance (not less than one third of one gender in the committee).
- 3 to 5 elements with the President of the jury holding the casting vote.