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Clinical Pharmacology

The Joaquim Ferreira Lab aims to contribute to the development of effective and safe therapeutic interventions through the establishment of optimized methodologies for the design, conduction, analysis and report of clinical trials.

The main clinical models for our research are the neurodegenerative diseases (mainly Parkinson's Disease and Huntington's Disease), neglected patient populations (e.g. paediatric, rare diseases, late stage populations) and "orphan" interventions (e.g. rehabilitation, non‐pharmacological and non‐surgical interventions).

The main clinical pharmacology domains of interest are clinical trials methodology, outcomes, systematic reviews, safety and drug utilization.

Other objectives:

1. To develop new methodologies for the design of exploratory studies and the evaluation of biomarkers as measures of drug action in clinical trials.

2. To facilitate the 'translational' research component related to the design and conduct of the early phase of drug studies in humans.

3. To support the Clinical Research Centre of the Lisbon Medical Academic Centre (CIC‐CAML) in all aspects related with drug development studies. The decision to create the CIC‐CAML as a facility unit for clinical and translational research was done recently and the infrastructures for the centre are now being implemented. CIC‐CAML will favor the design and conduct of early phase clinical trials and proof of concept studies. The CIC‐CAML has unique clinical and translational capacities to become a top‐level European clinical research centre with innovative investigator‐initiated projects, active collaborations with international networks and partnerships with industry with a scope extending throughout the translational continuum. At the current stage, compounds being developed or studied at the iMM Units have reached a clinical stage and the first trials in patients are being designed and will start later this year. Some of the first exploratory trials will be conducted in the CHLN with the support of the CIC CAML.

4. To organize and provide comprehensive clinical pharmacology services to other iMM research groups and professionals in academia.

5. To educate and train in clinical trials methodology and Good Clinical Practice.

6. To foster investigator‐initiated trials.

7. To foster collaborations with industry.

Research Team

Ana Luís
Visiting Researcher

Ana Teresa Santos
Lab Manager

Anabela Valadas
Clinical Researcher

Carolina Maruta
Clinical Researcher

Catarina Fonseca
Clinical Researcher

Catarina Severiano e Sousa
Postdoctoral Researcher

Constança Jalles
Clinical Researcher

Daisy Abreu
Clinical Researcher

Isabel Boaventura
Clinical Researcher

Isabel Guimarães
Clinical Researcher

Isabel Pavão
Clinical Staff Scientist

Joana Santos
Lab Technician

João Costa
Clinical Researcher

Leonor Correia Guedes
Clinical Researcher

Lucas Wilfried Lopes Naumann

Luís Garcez
Clinical Researcher

Luísa Maria Russo Prada
Visiting Researcher

Luísa Prada
Clinical Researcher

Margarida Borges
Clinical Researcher

Margherita Fabbri
Clinical Researcher

Maria João Forjaz
Clinical Researcher

Mariana Alves
Clinical Researcher

Marta Granadeiro
PhD Student

Miguel Coelho
Clinical Researcher

Raquel Bouça-Machado
Postdoctoral Researcher

Raquel Fernandes
Clinical Researcher

Raquel Lobo
Lab Technician

Ricardo M Fernandes
Clinical Researcher

Sofia Reimão
Clinical Researcher

Sofia Velasco

Tiago Mendes
Clinical Researcher

Tiago Teodoro
Clinical Researcher

Vanda Freitas Castro
Clinical Researcher

Vanessa Carvalho
Clinical Researcher

Maria Bravo
Visiting Researcher

Research Areas

  • Clinical Pharmacology
  • Neuropharmacology
  • Movement Disorders
  • Parkinson's Disease
  • Huntington's Disease
  • Dystonia
  • Botulinum Toxin
  • Clinical Trials
  • Systematic Reviews

Ongoing Research Projects

2019/2025 IDEA-FAST: Identifying Digital Endpoints to Assess FAtigue, Sleep and acTivities in daily living in Neurodegenerative disorders and Immune-mediated inflammatory diseases. Coordinator: Joaquim Ferreira. Funding Agency: European Commission.


2017 Daniel Caldeira, Distinguido em Janeiro de 2017 pela Revista Portuguesa de Factores de Risco como autor do artigo publicado em 2014, mais lido em formato digital “Café e hipertensão arterial: um dilema?”.

2016 Joaquim Ferreira, Caixa Geral de Depósitos Science Award.

2016 Daniel Caldeira, Melhor poster na sessão “Health technology assessment in cardiovascular disease", promovido pelo CUTEheart, no XXXVII Congresso Português de Cardiologia 2016.

2015 Joaquim Ferreira, Caixa Geral de Depósitos Science Honor Prize.

2013 Daniel Caldeira, Bolsa de Interno-Doutorando pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT) SFRH/SINTD/96409/2013.

Selected Publications

Abrams EM, McGill G, Bhopal SS, Sinha I, Fernandes RM (2020). COVID-19, asthma, and return to school. Lancet Respiratory Medicine 8(9):847-849.

Faustino PR, Duarte GS, Chendo I, Castro Caldas A, Reimão S, Fernandes RM, Vale J, Tinazzi M, Bhatia K, Ferreira JJ (2020). Risk of Developing Parkinson Disease in Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Jama Neurology 77(2):192-198.

Reimão S, Guerreiro C, Seppi K, Ferreira JJ, Poewe W (2020). A standardized MR Imaging Protocol for Parkinsonism. Movement Disorders 35(10):1745-1750.

Caldeira D, Marques A, Almeida J, Rodrigues T, Alves M, David C, Gonçalves N, Costa J, Ferreira JJ, Pinto FJ (2020). Recommendations and levels of evidence in the guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology: current scenario and time trends. European Heart Journal - Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy 6(2):122-124.

Ramos JLB, Duarte GS, Bouça-Machado R, Fabbri M, Mestre TA, Costa J, Ramos TLB, Ferreira JJ (2020). The Role of Architecture and Design in the Management of Parkinson's Disease: A Systematic Review. Journal of Parkinson´s Disease 1-14.

Neves MA, Bouça-Machado R, Guerreiro D, Caniça V, Pona-Ferreira F, Ferreira JJ (2020). Swimming Is Compromised in Parkinson's disease Patients. Movement Disorders 35(2):365-369.

Alves M, Caldeira D, Ferro JM, Ferreira JJ (2020). Does Parkinson's disease increase the risk of cardiovascular events? A systematic review and meta‐analysis. European Journal of Neurology 27(2):288-296.

Faustino PR, Duarte GS, Chendo I, Castro Caldas A, Reimão S, Fernandes RM, Vale J, Tinazzi M, Bhatia K, Ferreira JJ (2019). Risk of Developing Parkinson Disease in Bipolar Disorder: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Neurology 77(2):192-198.

Fabbri M, Coelho M, Abreu D, Guedes LC, Rosa MM, Godinho C, Cardoso R, Guimarães I, Antonini A, Zibetti M, Lopiano L, Ferreira, JJ (2019). Dysphagia predicts poor outcome in late-stage Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders 64:73-81.

Ferreira JJ, Mestre TA, Lyons K, Benito-Leon J, Tan EK, Abbruzzese G, Hallett M, Haubenberger D, Elble R, Deuschl G, Autor(es) grupo: MDS Task Force Tremor; MDS Evidence Based Med Comm. (2019). MDS evidence-based review of treatments for essential tremor. Movement Disorders 34(7):950-958.

Neves MA, Bouça‐Machado R, Guerreiro D, Caniça V, Pona‐Ferreira F, Ferreira JJ (2019). Swimming Is Compromised in Parkinson's Disease Patients. Movement Disorders 35(2):365-369.

Caldeira D, Marques A, Almeida J, Rodrigues T, Alves M, David C, Pinto FJ (2019). Recommendations and levels of evidence in the guidelines of the European Society of Cardiology: current scenario and time trends. European Heart Journal-Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy 6(2):122-124.

Ferreira JJ, Lees A, Rocha JF, Poewe W, Rascol O, Soares-da-Silva.Bi-Pk 1 Investigators. Opicapone as an adjunct to levodopa in patients with Parkinson´s disease end end-of-dose motor fluctuations: a randomised, double-blind controlled trial. Lancet Neurology 2016, 15(2): 154-165.

Rodrigues FB, Neves JB, Caldeira D, Ferro JM, Ferreira JJ, Costa J. Endovascular treatment versus medical care alone for ischaemic stroke: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ 2016, 353: i1754.

Caldeira D, Costa J, FERREIRA JJ. Bridging anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation. New England Journal of Medicine 2016, 374(1):91-92

Reimão S, Ferreira, S, Nunes RG, Lobo PP, Neutel D, Abreu D, Gonçalves N, Campos J, FERREIRA JJ (2016) Magnetic resonance correlation of iron content with neuromelanin in the substantia nigra of early-stage Parkinson’s disease. European Journal of Neurology 368-374, 23(2).

Valadas A, Contarino MF, Albanese A, Bhatia KP, Falup-Pecurariu C, Forsgren L, Friedman A, Giladi N, Hutchinson M, Kostic VS, Krauss K, Lokkegaard A, Marti MJ, Milanov I, Pirtosek Z, Relja M, Skorvanek M, Stamelou M, Stepens A, Tamas G, Taravari A, Tzoulis C, Vandenberghe W, Vidailhet M, FERREIRA JJ, Tijssen MA. (2016) Management of dystonia in Europe: a survey of the European network for the study of the dystonia syndromes. European Journal of Neurology 23(4), 772-779.

Caldeira D, Costa J, FERREIRA JJ (2016) Bridging anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation. New England Journal of Medicine 374(1), 91-92.

Teodoro T, Viana P, Abreu D, Conceição I, Peralta R, Ferreira JJ. (2015). A peripheral pathway to restless legs syndrome? Clues from familial amyloid polyneuropathy. Parkinsonism & Related Disorders. 21 (12): 1465-1468.

Caldeira D, Barra M, Ferreira A, Rocha A, Augusto A, Pinto FJ, Costa J, Ferreira JJ (2015) Systematic review with meta-analysis: the risk of major gastrointestinal bleeding with non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants. Alimentary pharmacology & therapeutics,42 (11-12): 1239-49.

Rodríguez-Blázquez C, Forjaz MJ, Lizán L, Paz S, Martínez-Martín P. (2015) Estimating the direct and indirect costs associated with Parkinson's disease. Expert Rev Pharmacoecon Outcomes Res., 15(6), 889-911.

Margherita Fabbri, Mário M Rosa, Daisy Abreu, Joaquim J Ferreira. (2015) Clinical pharmacology review of safinamide for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease. Neurodegenerative disease management 5(6): 481496.

Caldeira D, Ferreira JJ, Costa J. (2015) Glaucoma Surgery and Anticoagulant Therapy Reply. Jama Ophtalmology, 133 (11): 1365-1365.

Sinha, IP, McBride, AKs, Smith, R, Fernandes, RM. (2015)  CPAP and high-flow nasal cannula in brochiolotis. Chest, 148(3): 810-823.

Neutel D, Peralta R, Pires J, Bentes C, Ferreira JJ. (2015) End of OSLER test sessions in Parkinson's disease do not correspond to true sleep onset: results from an exploratory study. Frontiers in Neurology, Volume: 6, 200.

Rascol O, Perez-Lloret S, Ferreira JJ. (2015) New treatments for levodopa-induced motor complications. Movement Disorders, 30(11):1451-1460.

Caldeira D, Costa J, Barra M, Pinto JF, Ferreira JJ (2015) How safe is acetaminophen use in patients treated with vitamin K antagonists? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Thrombosis Research 135(1):58-61.

Caldeira D, Barra M, Santos AT, de Abreu D, Costa J, Ferreira JJ (2015) Risk of insomnia with non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants: systematic review and meta-analysis. Sleep and Breathing. 19(3):1043-9.

Ferreira JJ, Rosser, A,Craufurd, D, Squitieri, F,;Mallard, N, Landwehrmeyer, B, Ethyl-Eicosapentaenoic Acid Treatment in Huntington's Disease: A Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trial, Movement Disorders, 30(10): 1426-1429.

Teodoro T, Nzwalo H, Correia Guedes L, Coelho M, Rosa MM, FERREIRA JJ. (2015) Suicidal behaviors are very rare in antiparkinsonian drug trials. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders. 21(8):1008-9 .

Neame M, Aragon O, Fernandes RM, Sinha I. (2015) Salbutamol or aminophylline for acute severe asthma: how to choose which one, when and why? Archives of Disease in Childhood-Education & Practice Edition, 100(4): 215-22.

Caldeira D, Gonçalves N, Ferreira JJ, Pinto FJ, Costa J. (2015) Tolerability and Acceptability of Non-Vitamin K Antagonist Oral Anticoagulants in Atrial Fibrillation: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs. 15(4):259-65.

Caldeira D, Rodrigues FB, Barra M, Santos AT, de Abreu D, Gonçalves N, Pinto FJ, Ferreira JJ, Costa J. (2015) Non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants and major bleeding-related fatality in patients with atrial fibrillation and venous thromboembolism: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Heart. 101(15):1204-11.

Caldeira D, Canastro M, Barra M, Ferreira A, Costa J, Pinto FJ, Ferreira JJ. (2015) Risk of Substantial Intraocular Bleeding With Novel Oral Anticoagulants: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. JAMA Ophthalmology. 33(7):834-9.

Caldeira D, Costa J, Ferreira JJ, Lip GY, Pinto FJ. (2015) Non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants in the cardioversion of patients with atrial fibrillation: systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Research Cardiology. 104(7):582-90.

Caldeira D, Gonçalves N, Pinto FJ, Costa J, Ferreira JJ. (2015) Risk of renal failure with the non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants: systematic review and meta-analysis. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf. 24(7):757-64.

Teodoro, T, Lobo, PP, Ferreira, J, Sousa,  Reimao, S, Peralta, R, Albuquerque, L, Ferreira JJ, Delayed Parkinsonism after acute chorea due to non-ketotic hyperglycemia, Journal of the Neurological Sciences. 354(1-):116-117.

Ferreira  JJ, Godinho C, Santos AT, Domingos J, Abreu D, Lobo R, Gonçalves N, Barra M, Larsen F, Fagerbakke O, Akeren I, Wangen H, Serrano JA, Weber P, Thoms A, Meckler S, Sollinger S, van Uem J, Hobert MA, Maier KS, Matthew H, Isaacs T, Duffen J, Graessner H, Maetzler W. (2015) Quantitative home-based assessment of Parkinson´s symptoms: The SENSE-PARK feasibility and usability study. BMC Neurology, 15(89).

Martinez-Martin P, Rodriguez-Blazquez C, Forjaz MJ, Frades-Payo B, Agüera-Ortiz L, Weintraub D, Riesco A, Kurtis MM, Chaudhuri KR. (2015) Neuropsychiatric symptoms and caregiver's burden in Parkinson's disease. Parkinsonism Relat Disord., 629-34.

Fernandes RM, Plint AC, Terwee CB, Sampaio C, Klassen TP, Offringa M, van der Lee JH. Validity of bronchiolitis outcome measures. Pediatrics, 2015;135:e1399-408.

Caldeira D, Costa J, Vaz-Carneiro, A, Analysis of the Cochrane Review: Influenza Vaccines for Preventing Cardiovascular Disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2015; 5: CD005050. Acta Medica Portuguesa. 28(4): 424-426.

Reimão S, Pita Lobo P, Neutel D, Correia Guedes L, Coelho M, Rosa MM, Azevedo P, Ferreira J, Abreu D, Gonçalves N, Nunes RG, Campos J, Ferreira JJ (2015) Substantia nigra neuromelanin-MR imaging differentiates Essential tremor from Parkinson’s disease. Movement Disorders Jun; 30(7):953-959.

Rodrigues IT, Ferreira JJ, Coelho M, Rosa MM, Castro-Caldas A, (2015) Action verbal fluency in Parkinson´s patients. Arquivos de Neuro-Psiquiatria, 73(6):520-525.

Santos J, Alarcão J, Fareleira F, Vaz-Carneiro A, Costa J. (2015) Tapentadol for chronic musculoskeletal pain in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev.27;5.:CD009923.

Caldeira D, Cotrim, C, Cale, R, Cruz, I, Stuart, B, Pereira, H,(2015) Left ventricular thrombus in repaired Tetralogy of Fallot. International Journal of Cardiology 187: 363-364.

Ferreira JJ. Rocha JF, Falcão A, Santos A, Pinto R, Nunes T, Soares da Silva, P. (2015)  Effect of opicapone on levodopa pharmacokinetics, catechol-O-methyltransferase activity and motor fluctuations in patients with Parkinson´s disease. European Journal of Neurology, 22(5): 815-E56.

Maetzler W, Karam M, Berger MF, Heger T, Maetzler C, Ruediger H, Bronzova J, Lobo PP, Ferreira JJ, Ziemssen T, Berg D. (2015)  Time and frequency-domain parameters of heart rate variability and sympathetic skin response in Parkinson´s disease. Journal of Neural Transmission, 112(3): 419-425.

Reimão S, Lobo PP, Neutel D, Guedes LC, Coelho M, Rosa MM, Ferreira J, Abreu D, Gonçalves N, Morgado C, Nunes RG, Campos J, Ferreira JJ. (2015). Substantia nigra neuromelanin magnetic imaging in de novo Parkinson’s disease patients. European Journal of Neurology, 22(3): 540-546.

Caldeira D, Barra M, Pinto FJ, Ferreira JJ. Costa J. (2015) Intracranial hemorrhage risk with the new oral anticoagulants: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Neurology, 262(3): 516-522.

Caldeira D, Barra M, Gonçalves N, Pinto FJ, FERREIRA JJ, Costa J, Pericardial bleeding risk with non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants: a meta-analysis (2015) International Journal of Cardiology, 182:187-188.

Gouveia M, Sousa R, Costa J, Borges M. (2015) Economic Evaluation of Suboxone® for substitution treatment of opioid drug dependence in Portugal. Heroin Addiction and Related Clinical Problems, 17(1): 43-50.

Ferreira JJ, Santos AT, Domingos J, Matthews, H , Isaacs, T, Duffen, J, Al-Jawad, A, Larsen, F, Serrano, JA, Weber, P, Thoms, A, Sollinger, S, Graessner, H, Maetzler, W. (2015) Clinical Parameters and Tools for Home-Based Assessment of Parkinson's Disease: Results from a Delphi study, Journal of Parkinson´s Disease, 5(2): 281-290.

Caldeira D, Lopes LR, Carmona, S, Gomes, C, Cruz, I, Joaquim, SD,  Pereira, H, Santos, AI, Takotsubo cardiomyopathy, beyond ventriculography and classical bidimensional echocardiography, International Journal of Cardiology. 182: 381-383.

Ratilal BO, Costa J, Pappamikail L, Sampaio C. (2015) Antibiotic prophylaxis for preventing meningitis in patients with basilar skull fractures. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 28;4.

Ferreira JJ. Colosimo C, Bhidayasiri R, Marti MJ, Maisonobe P, Om S. (2015) Factors influencing secondary non-response to botulinum toxin type A injections in cervical dystonia. Parkinsonism and  Related Disorders, 21(2): 111-115.

Coelho M, Marti MJ, Sampaio C, FERREIRA JJ, Valldeoriola F. (2015) Dementia and severity of parkinsonism determines the handicap of patient´s in late-stage Parkinson´s disease: the Barcelona-Lisbon cohort. European Journal of Neurology, 22(2):305-312.

Sousa Nanji L, Torres Cardoso A, Costa J, Vaz-Carneiro A. (2015) [Analysis of the Cochrane Review: thrombolysis for acute deep vein thrombosis. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014,1: CD002783]. Acta Médica Portuguesa, 28(1):12-4.

Caldeira D, Cruz I, Calé R, Martins C, Pereira H, Ferreira JJ, Pinto FJ, Costa J, (2015). Antithrombotic treatment in chronic heart failure and sinus rhythm: Systematic review. World Journal of Meta-Analysis, 3(1):36 -42.

Caldeira D, Costa J, FERREIRA JJ, Pinto FJ. (2015) Thromboembolic risk in the initiation, swich and interruption/re-initiation of oral anticoagulants: Do newcomers improve outcomes? Insights from a meta-analysis of RCTs.  International Journal of Cardiology, 177(1): 117-119.

Serrano JA, Larsen F, Isaacs T, Matthews H, Duffen J, Riggare S, Capitanio F, Ferreira JJ, Domingos J, Maetzler W, Graessner H. Sense Park Consortium. (2015) Participatory design in Parkinson’s research with focus on the symptomatic domains to be measured. Journal of Parkinson´s Disease. 5(1): 187-196.

Caldeira D, Costa J, Barra M, Pinto FJ, FERREIRA JJ. (2015) How safe is acetaminophen use in patients treated with vitamin K antagonists? A systematic review and meta-analysis. Thrombosis Research, 135(1): 58-61.

Reimao S, Lobo PP, Neutel D, Guedes LC, Coelho M, Rosa MM, Ferreira JJ,  Abreu, D, Goncalves N,  Morgado C, Nunes RG, Campos, J, Ferreira, JJ. (2015). Quantitative Analysis Versus Visual Assessment of Neuromelanin MR Imaging for the Diagnosis of Parkinson's disease, Journal of Parkinson´s Disease, 5(3): 561-567.

Gouveia M, Costa J, Alarcão J, Augusto M, Caldeira D, Pinheiro L, Vaz Carneiro A, Borges M. (2015) Burden of disease and cost of illness of atrial fibrillation in Portugal. Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia, 34(1):1-11.

Fabbri M, Guedes LC, Simão M, Abreu D, Rosa MM, Silveira-Moryama L, Ferreira JJ.  (2015) Subthalamic deep brain stimulation effects on odor identification in Parkinson’s disease. European Journal of Neurology, 22(1): 207-210.

Caldeira D, Lopes LR, Vaz-Carneiro A, Costa J. (2015) Cochrane Corner:  Corticosteroids for viral myocarditis. Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia, 34(1):65-7.

Domingos JM,  Godinho C, Dean J, Coelho, M, Pinto A, Bloem BR, Ferreira J. (2015) Cognitive Impairment in Fall-Related Studies in Parkinson's Disease. Journal of Parkinsons Disease, 5(3):453-469.

Caldeira D, Vaz-Carneiro A, Costa J. (2015) Cochrane Corner: Colchicine in acute and recurrent pericarditis. Rev Port Cardiol 34(11):697-699.

Cruz I, Caldeira D, Stuart B, Cotrim C, João I, Pereira H. (2015) Complications of myocardial infarction: Echocardiography for differential diagnosis of heart murmur. Rev Port Cardiol 34:781-783.

Costa J, Fiorentino F, Caldeira D, Inês M, Lopes Pereira C, Pinheiro L, Vaz-Carneiro A, Borges M, Gouveia M. (2015) Cost-effectiveness of non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulants for atrial fibrillation in Portugal. Rev Port Cardiol 34:723-737.

Caldeira D, Barra M, Santos AT, de Abreu D, Pinto FJ, Ferreira JJ, Costa J, (2014), Risk of drug-induced liver injury with the new oral anticoagulants: systematic review and meta-analysis. Heart, 100(7):550-6.

Fernandes R, Hartling L, (2014), Glucocorticoids for Acute Viral Bronchiolitis in Infants and Young children, Jama, 311(1): 87-88.

Munafo M, Noble S, Bowne WJ, Brunner D, Button K, Ferreira J, Holmans P, Langbehn D, Lewis G, Lindquist M, Tilling K, Wagenmakers EJ, Blumesntein R, (2014), Scientific rigor and the art of motorcycle maintenance. Nature Biotechnology, 32(9): 871-873.

Hill DLG, Scharwz AJ, Isaac M, Pani L, Vamvakas S, Hemmings R, Carrillo MC, Yu P, Sun J, Beckett L, Boccardi M, Brewer J, Brumfield M, Cantillon M, Cole PE, Fox N, Frisoni GB, Jack C, Kelleher T, Luo F, Novak G, MAguite P, Meibach R, Patterson P, Bain L, Sampaio C, Raunig D, Soares H, Suhy J, Wang HL, Wolz R, Stephenson D, (2014), Coalition against major diseases/European medicines agency biomarker qualification of hippocampal volume for enrichment of clinical trials in predementia stages of Alzheimer’ disease. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, (10)4: 421-429.

Reimão S, Pita Lobo P, Neutel D, Correia Guedes L, Coelho M, Rosa MM, Ferreira J, Abreu D, Gonçalves N, Morgado C, Nunes RG, Campos J, Ferreira JJ,  (2014) Substantia nigra  neuromelanin magnetic resonance imaging in de novo Parkinson's disease patients.  European Journal of Neurology doi: 10.1111/ene.12613. [Epub ahead of print.]

Caldeira D, Lopes R, Cruz I, Almeida AR, Gomes C, Stuart B, Almeida S, Brandão L, Pereira H, (2014), The burnout stage of an epical hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. International journal of cardiology, 177(3):179-80.

Caldeira D, Costa J, Ferreira JJ, Pinto FJ, (2014), Thromboembolic risk in the initiation, switch and interruption/re-initiation of oral anticoagulants: do newcomers improve outcomes? Insights from a meta-analysis of RCTs. International Journal of Cardiology. 177: 117–119.

Munafo M, Noble S, Bowne WJ, Brunner D, Button K, Ferreira J, Holmans P, Langbehn D, Lewis G, Lindquist M, Tilling K, Wagenmakers EJ, Blumesntein R, (2014), Scientific rigor and the art of motorcycle maintenance. Nature Biotechnology, 32(9): 871-873.

Vaz-Carneiro A, Luz R, Borges M, Costa J, (2014), [Primary and secondary outcomes in oncology clinical trials: definitions and uses]. Acta Médica Portuguesa, 27(4):498-502.

Caldeira D, Vaz-Carneiro A, Costa J, (2014), Cochrane Corner: What is the clinical impact of oxygen therapy for acute myocardial infarction? Evaluation of a Cochrane systematic review. Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia .

Fernandes RM, Oleazczuk, Woods CR, Rowe BH, Cates CJ, Hartling L, (2014) The Cochrane Library and safety of systemic corticosteroids for acute respiratory conditions in children: an overview of reviews. Evidence-Based Child Health 9(3):733-747.

Mestre TA, Teodoro T, Reginold W, Graf J, Kasten M, Sale J, Zurowsky M, Miasaki J, Ferreira JJ, Marras C, (2014), Reluctance to start medication for Parkinson´s disease: A mutual misunderstanding by patients and physicians. Parkinsonism and Related Disorders, 20(6): 608-612.

Caldeira D, Costa J, Fernandes RM, Pinto FJ, Ferreira JJ, (2014), Performance of the HAS-BLED high bleeding-risk category, compared to ATRIA and HEMORR2HAGES in patients with atrial fibrillation: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology, 40(3):277-84.

Gewandter JS, Dworkin RH, Turk DC, McDermott MP, Baron R, Gastonguay MR, Gilron I, Katz NP, Metha C, Raja SN, Senn S, Taylor C, Cowan P, Desjardins P, Dimitrova R, Dionne R, Farrar JT, Hewitt DJ, Iyengar S, Jat GW, Kalso E, Kerns RD, LEff R, Leong M, Petersen KL, Ravina MB, Rauschkolb C, Rice ASC, Rowbotham MC, Sampaio C, Sindrup SH, Stauffer JW, Steigerwald I, Stewart J, Tobias J, Treede RD, Wallace3 M, White RE, (2014), Research designs for proof-of-concept chronic pain clinical trials: IMMPACT recommendations. Pain, 155(9): 1686-1695.

Hill DLG, Scharwz AJ, Isaac M, Pani L, Vamvakas S, Hemmings R, Carrillo MC, Yu P, Sun J, Beckett L, Boccardi M, Brewer J, Brumfield M, Cantillon M, Cole PE, Fox N, Frisoni GB, Jack C, Kelleher T, Luo F, Novak G, MAguite P, Meibach R, Patterson P, Bain L, Sampaio C, Raunig D, Soares H, Suhy J, Wang HL, Wolz R, Stephenson D, (2014), Coalition against major diseases/European medicines agency biomarker qualification of hippocampal volume for enrichment of clinical trials in predementia stages of Alzheimer’ disease. Alzheimer’s and Dementia, (10)4: 421-429.

Dodel R, Jonsson B, Reese JP, Winter Y, Martinez-Martin P, Holloway R, Sampaio C, Ruzicka E, Hawthorne G, Oertel W, Poewe W, Stebbins G, Rascol O, Goetz CG, Schrag A, (2014), Measurement of costs and scales for outcome evaluation in health economic studies of Parkinson´s disease. Movement Disorders, 29(2): 169-176.

Caldeira D, Loureiro MJ, Costa J, Pinto FJ, Ferreira JJ, (2014), Oral anticoagulation for pulmonary arterial hypertension: systematic review and meta-analysis. Canadian Journal of Cardiology, 30(8):879-87.

Caldeira D, Vaz-Carneiro A, Costa J, (2014), The impact of dosing frequency on medication adherence in chronic cardiovascular disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis.[Analysis of the Cochrane review: Anticoagulation versus placebo for heart failure in sinus rhythm. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014;3:CD003336] Acta Med Port. 27(3):284-6.

Stout JC, Queller S, Baker KN, Cowlishaw S, Sampaio C, Fitzer-Attas C, Borowsky B, (2014), HD-CAB: a cognitive assessment battery for clinical trials in Huntigton’s disease 1,2,3. Movement Disorders, (29):6: 1281-1288.

Sampaio C, Borowsky B, Reilmann R, (2014) Clinical trials in Huntington´s Disease: interventions in early clinical development and newer methodological approaches. Movement Disorders, 29: (11): 1419-1428.

Azevedo P, Costa J, Vaz-Carneiro A, (2014) [Analysis of the Cochrane Review: Use of Systemic Corticosteroids for Acute Exacerbations of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014, 9:CD001288]. Acta Med Port. 27(5):537-40. Acta Médica Portuguesa, 27(3):284-6.

Caldeira D, Costa J, Ferreira JJ, Pinto FJ, (2014), Net clinical benefit outcome should be standardized in trials evaluating antithrombotic drugs: the example of NOACs in atrial fibrillation. International Journal of Cardiology, 174(2):405-6.

Caldeira D, David C, Santos AT, Costa J, Pinto FJ, Ferreira JJ, (2014), Efficacy and safety of low molecular weight heparin in patients with mechanical heart valves: systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of  Thrombosis Haemost, 12(5):650-9.

Caldeira D, Barra M, Santos AT, de Abreu D, Pinto FJ, Ferreira JJ, Costa J, (2014), Risk of drug-induced liver injury with the new oral anticoagulants: systematic review and meta-analysis. Heart, 100(7):550-6.

Cardoso AT, Nanji L, Costa J, Vaz-Carneiro A,  (2014) [Analysis of the Cochrane Review: Vitamin D supplementation for prevention of cancer in adults. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2014, 6:CD007469]. Acta Médica Portuguesa, 27(4):411-3.

Caldeira D, Barra M, David C, Costa J, Ferreira JJ, Pinto FJ, (2014), The prevalence of oral anticoagulation in patients with atrial fibrillation in Portugal: Systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies. Revista Portuguesa de Cardiologia, 33(9):555-560.

Caldeira D, Costa J, Pinto FJ, Ferreira JJ, (2014), The risk of infection with new oral anticoagulants: a meta-analysis. International journal of Cardiology, 72(1):267-8.

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Sousa R, Costa J, Vaz Carneiro A, Fernandes RM, (2014,) Cochrane Corner: Terapêutica combinada e alternada com paracetamol e ibuprofeno para crianças com febre. Acta Pediátrica Portuguesa, 2014; 45:64-66.

Magalhães M, Costa J, Vaz Carneiro A, Fernandes RM, (2014) Cochrane Corner: overview de revisões sobre o tratamento da laringotraqueíte (CROUP). Acta Pediátrica Portuguesa, 2014; 45:168-171.

Conceição I, Costa, J, Castro J, de Carvalho M, (2014), Invasive fibroblasts: Fundamental difference between sporadic inclusion body myositis and polymyositis, Muscle & Nerve, 49(2):181-186.

Luis L, Zhu H, Costa J, Valls-Solé J, Brandt T, Zhou W, Schneider E, (2014), Reply to the commentary on luis et Al. "Spontaneous plugging of the horizontal semicircular canal with reversible canal dysfunction and recovery of vestibular evoked myogenic potentials". Otology & Neurotology,35(2):379-83.

Fernandes R, Hartling L, (2014), Glucocorticoids for Acute Viral Bronchiolitis in Infants and Young children, Jama, 311(1): 87-88.

Gil J, Costa J, Vaz Carneiro A, Fernandes RM,  (2014) Imuno-estimulantes na prevenção de infeções respiratórias em crianças. Acta Pediátrica Portuguesa, 2014; 45:253-255.

Hartling L, Hamm MP, Fernandes RM, Dryden DM, Vandermeer B, (2014)  Quantifying Bias in Randomized Controlled Trials in Child Health: A Meta-Epidemiological Study. PLoS ONE, 9: 2.

Albuquerque L, Coelho M, Martins M, Guedes LC, Rosa MM, Ferreira JJ, Cattoni MB,  Carvalho H, Ferreira AG, Martins IP, (2014), STN-DBS does not change emotion recognition in advanced Parkinson's disease, Parkinsonism & Related Disorders, 20 (2): 166-169.

Conceição I, Costa J, Castro J, de Carvalho M, (2014), Neurophysiological techniques to detect early small-fiber dysfunction in transthyretin amyloid polyneuropathy. Muscle & Nerve, 49(2):181-6.

Vaz Carneiro A, Costa J. [Analysis of the Cochrane review: Multimedia educational interventions for consumers about prescribed and over-the-counter medications. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews 2013;4:CD008416]. Acta Médica Portuguesa: 4-5.

group leader : Joaquim Ferreira
  • Group Leader at iMM since 2013
  • Associate Professor at FMUL since 2012
  • Director of Laboratory of Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics, FMUL (2011)
  • MD (1992) and PhD (2009) in Neurology, FMUL