The datasets made available at the ExonMine web server are part of an actively growing project which will involve continuous inclusion of novel information relating to alternative splicing, e.g. prediction of alternative splicing control sequences such as intronic and exonic enhancers and silencers, splice site strength and branch points. Validation of some alternative splicing data produced by the ExonMine program has already been performed [Pacheco et al. 2006, Mollet et al. 2007] and further work is currently being undertaken in several independent projects.

This project was undertaken under the supervision of Prof. Maria Carmo-Fonseca (1). Inês Guerra Mollet (1) (imollet@fm.ul.pt) conceived this database, developed the algorithm which produces the data, and is responsible for all updates and optimisation of data; Claudia Ben-Dov (2) (claudia.bendov@crg.es) was involved in the revision of alternative splicing data and collaborates on data optimization; Daniel Felício-Silva (1) (danielsilva@fm.ul.pt) designed the web interface and is involved in optimising the interface; Ana Rita Grosso (1) (agrosso@fm.ul.pt) created the five web interface tools to facilitate laboratory validation; Pedro Eleutério (1) (peleuterio@fm.ul.pt) is responsible for the maintenance of the ExonMine server; Ruben Alves (1) (rubenalves@fm.ul.pt) designed the export features; and Prof. Tito Santos Silva (3) (tsilva@fe.lisboa.ucp.pt) supervises the work on the interface.

1 Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, Av. Prof. Egas Moniz, 1649-028 Lisbon, Portugal
2 CRG-Centre de Regulació Genómica, Barcelona, Spain
3 Faculdade de Engenharia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Lisbon, Portugal

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Cell Biology Unity - Carmo-Fonseca Lab
Institute of Molecular Medicine
Lisbon, Portugal
Phone: + 351 217999503, Ext: 47312
Fax: + 351 217999504
E-mail: exonmine@fm.ul.pt
If you want to know more information about our group visit our webpage: http://www.imm.fm.ul.pt