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Location: Room P2-A-22 ( 47217)
Manufacturer: Carl Zeiss MicroImaging
Model: Axiovert 200M
Nickname: "Axiovert"
Software: Metamorph
Year: 2003
SN: ZCA522000494
Zeiss Axiovert 200M Booking
Zeiss Axiovert 200M Quality Control
Zeiss Axiovert 200M Usage Statistics

Microscope overview

The Zeiss Axiovert 200M is a fully motorized inverted widefield fluorescence microscope ideal for live-cell imaging applications. Using the Metamorph software you can control the motorized filters, shutters and stage to simultaneously set up multi-color time-lapse imaging experiments in multiple stage positions. Its sensitive cooled CCD camera (Photometrics CoolSNAP HQ CCD) allows you to capture weak fluorescent signals and minimize photobleaching/photodamage in light sensitive samples. You can also perform Z-stack acquisition and use PPBI Huygens RM deconvolution server to significantly improve image resolution even in thick samples. If you are performing long time-lapse experiments in live samples (aqueous media) and need hardware focus control, check the Zeiss Cell Observer with Definite Focus or the Nikon Eclipse Ti. If don't want to use deconvolution but need optical sectioning, check out one of the confocal systems such as the point scanners Zeiss LSM 710 and Zeiss LSM 880 or the spinning disks 3i Marianas SDC and Zeiss Cell Observer SD. If your personal computer cannot handle all the data you collected, check out the Big Guy or Colossus. If you have FISH or other fixed fluorescence slides try the Leica DM5000B instead.

Data files older than 1 month will be automatically deleted on this system, please copy your data to the iMM server using the desktop link.

System components


Position Filterset Reference Excitation Dichroic Emission
1 Blue FS01 359-371 nm 395 nm > 397 nm
2 Green BP FS10 450-490 nm 510 nm 515-565 nm
3 Red FS20 540-552 nm 560 nm 575-640 nm
4 Far Red Cy5-4040C-000 608-648 nm 660 nm 672-712 nm
5 A none

Upon request:

Position Filterset Reference Excitation Dichroic Emission
2 Green LP FS09 450-490 nm 510 nm > 515 nm


Magnification Model Immersion NA WD (mm) pixel size* (μm) 10 μm = (color) 10 μm = Reference
10x EC Plan-Neofluar Air 0.30 5.20 1.00 10 pixels 23.3 pixels 420340-9900-000
20x EC Plan-Neofluar Air 0.50 2.00 0.48 21 pixels 46.7 pixels 440340-9904-000
40x EC Plan-NeoFluar Air 0.75 0.71 0.24 41 pixels 93.7 pixels 440350-9903-000
63x Plan-Apochromat DIC Oil 1.40 0.19 0.15 65 pixels - 420782-9900-000

Upon request:

Magnification Model Immersion NA WD (mm) pixel size* (μm) 10 μm = Reference
1.25x EC Epiplan-Neofluar Air 0.035 4 7.58 1.3 pixels 422310-9900-000
5x EC Plan-NeoFluar Air 0.16 18.5 2.00 5 pixels 420330-9901-000
40x Plan-Neofluar Ph3 Oil 1.30 0.20 0.24 41 pixels 440451-9903-000
63x Plan-Apochromat Ph3 Oil 1.4 0.19 0.15 65 pixels 420781-9910-000
100x α Plan-Apochromat DIC Oil 1.46 0.11 0.09 105 pixels 420792-9800-000

* pixel sizes for binning = 1


Model Type Frame Size Pixel Size (µm)
Photometrics Coolsnap HQ CCD 1392 x 1040 6.45 x 6.45
Leica DFC450 color CCD 2560 × 1920 3.4 x 3.4


For automated acquisition of 96 well plates use: X = -9014 μm Y = -8995 μm

System Turn On Procedures

  • Turn on the fluorescent light power source

  • Turn on the Prior stage controller

  • Turn on the microscope

  • Turn on the CCD camera

  • Turn on the computer
  • Log in to Windows (Bioimaging User)
  • Start the Metamorph software
  • If the software doesn't detect the camera, power cycle the camera and try again

Microscope Turn Off procedures

If there is another user for this microscope in the next hour:

  • Leave the fluorescent lamp on
  • Clean up immersion objectives


  • Clean up immersion objectives
  • Shutdown the computer
  • Turn off the camera
  • Turn off the Prior stage controller
  • Turn off the microscope
  • Turn off the fluorescent lamp

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zeiss_axiovert_200m.1595366838.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/07/21 23:27 by bioimaging