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Location: Room P2-B-42 ( 47246)
Manufacturer: Leica Microsystems
Model: TCS SP8 MP
Nickname: "Multiphoton"
Software: LAS X
Software version:
Year: 2017
SN: 8100001758
Leica SP8 MP Booking
Leica SP8 MP Quality Control
Leica SP8 MP Usage Statistics

Microscope overview

The Leica SP8 MP is a both a confocal and multi-photon microscope able to generate high-resolution three-dimensional images of thick specimens. Multi-photon excitation (most commonly two photon excitation) is particularly advantageous for imaging thicker samples. Rather than exciting the fluorophore with one photon, multi-photon excitation is produced by two or more lower energy photons which can penetrate deeper in the sample. Moreover, contrarily to confocal, the multi-photon excitation light will only achieve sufficient intensity to cause fluorescence in a specific region. Because of this, no pinhole is needed in multi-photon microscopy to exclude the light from out-of-focus planes and achieve optical sectioning. The Leica SP8 MP is an upright microscope equipped with water and glycerol immersion objectives especially suitable for intra-vital and thick samples immersed in water or glycerol imaging. In confocal mode, its scanning unit includes a spectral detector PMT to be used with a 488 nm laser for excitation. In multi-photon mode, its Insight DS+ Dual pulsed laser can be tuned from 680 to 1300 nm and has a second laser line emitting at 1041 nm, to be used with four non-descanned detectors with specific filtersets: two PMTS and two HyD detectors (hybrid detectors with 45% QE compared to ~25% QE for conventional PMT). With this system you can perform optical sectioning high resolution imaging of fluorescent samples that are two thick for confocal microscopes such as the Zeiss LSM 880 or the Zeiss LSM 710, albeit with a slightly lower resolution. If you do not need optical sectioning and your sample is thin, check out a widefield system instead, such as the Cell Observer or the Nikon Eclipse Ti. If your personal computer cannot handle all the data you collected, check out the Big Guy or Colossus.

Click on the image on the right to see it in higher detail

Data files older than 3 months will be automatically deleted on this system, please copy your data to the iMM server using the desktop link.

System components


Laser Unit Wavelength Maximum Power Current Status
InSight DS+ Dual (multi-photon) 680 - 1300 nm 1.3 W not working
1041 nm 1.5 W not working
SS OBIS 488-20 (confocal) 488 nm 20 mW ok


Magnification Model Immersion NA WD (mm) Reference
25x HC FLUOTAR VISIR Water 0.95 2.5 15506374
63x HC PL APO Glyc CORR CS2 Glycerol 1.30 0.30 15506353

Filtersets (Ocular)

Filterset Reference Excitation Emission Fluorochromes
Blue I3 450-490 nm > 515 nm GFP, FITC, Alexa488

Emission Filters (multi-photon)

Detector Filter Transmission Fluorochromes
HyD-RLD 1 Red 570-640 nm mCherry, Alexa568, Cy3
HyD-RLD 2 Green 500-550 nm GFP, Alexa488, FITC
PMT-RLD 3 Far Red 662 - 737 nm Alexa647, Cy5
PMR-RLD 4 Red 570-640 nm mCherry, Alexa568, Cy3

Upon request: (requires changing the dichroic beamsplitter)

Detector Filter Transmission Fluorochromes
HyD-RLD 1 Green 500-550 nm GFP, Alexa488, FITC
HyD-RLD 2 Blue 415-485 nm DAPI, Hoescht, Alexa350
PMT-RLD 3 Far Red 662 - 737 nm Alexa647, Cy5
PMR-RLD 4 Red 570-640 nm mCherry, Alexa568, Cy3

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leica_sp8_mp.1579279472.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2020/01/17 17:44 by bioimaging