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To operate our equipments you must attend the 2 hour session on the Principles of Flow Cytometry. If you haven’t already, please book your Session.

To use our Spectral Analysers, you must attend a second theoretical session on the Principles of Spectral Flow Cytometry.

This theoretical training covers the fundamental concepts of Spectral Flow Cytometry, and the differences in relation to Conventional Flow Cytometry. You’ll also be learning important concepts in experimental planning, sample preparation guidelines and panel design, fundamental topics for a spectral workflow.

Please add your name in one of the following dates:

Principles of Spectral Flow Cytometry

We will schedule the practical training session on the spectral cell analyser, depending on the equipment availability and the planned date of your first experiment. Ideally, you should be trained on the same day or a few days before your first usage.

Make sure you read the Important Information documents below.

After the training, you will be kept as an “in training” user on the Agendo booking system for the next few sessions and will be given full permission as soon as you are autonomously using the cytometers.

Important information:

Check our Spectral Analysers

trainingspectralflow.1705487175.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/17 11:26 by flowcytometry