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About the Flow Cytometry Facility

The Flow Cytometry Facility provides a state of the art flow cytometry service to iMM Lisboa researchers as well as external groups from other research institutes. We aim at training researchers in the adequate use of the instruments and also on flow cytometry principles, experiment planning, as well as data analysis and interpretation. The Flow Cytometry Facility also provides a cell sorting service using two High Speed Cell Sorters (BD FACSAria III and BD FACSAria IIu) operated by dedicated staff.


Head of Facility

José Rino has a Licenciatura in Technological Physics Engineering (Instituto Superior Técnico) and a PhD in Biophysics (Faculdade de Ciências). José was appointed Head of the Flow Cytometry Facility in October 2016. He is also Head of the Bioimaging Facility at iMM. More information.

Technical Support

Andreia Santos has a BSc in Biology and a MSc in Genetic and Molecular Biology from Faculdade de Ciências. Andreia joined the Flow Cytometry Facility in September 2017 after working at Ana Espada de Sousa’s lab on human T-cell development, namely the role of IL-4 in the lineage plasticity of human CD4 single positive thymocytes.

Bárbara Oliveira has a BSc in Biology and a MSc in Molecular Biology and Genetics from Faculdade de Ciências. Bárbara joined the Flow Cytometry Facility in March 2017, after studying the dynamics of circulating coelomocytes during starfish regeneration at ITQB in collaboration with the Flow Cytometry Core Facility of IGC, headed by Rui Gardner. Bárbara was the first in the current team to attended the BD FACSAria Advanced Operator Course in Belgium.


Our flow cytometers are grouped into two categories: cell analyzers and cell sorters. Cell Analyzers are instruments for acquisition only, cells cannot be recovered once they are analyzed in the instrument. Cell sorters are capable of physically “sorting” out a population(s) of interest.

More info on our


Users are billed for the actual time of usage. Online booking is mandatory for each usage session. Cancellations and no shows will be charged extra, please check the usage rules for more details.

Check our


9 a.m. - 6 p.m. for Training, Assistance and Consultations

24 hours, 7 days a week for Equipment Usage by authorized, trained users (see Usage Rules)

How to use the service

All new users must contact the Flow Cytometry Facility to get proper training in using the systems and know the usage rules. Only after training will a user gain access to the Flow Cytometry room and to the online booking system. To get access to the cell sorters online booking, users must contact the Flow Cytometry staff. Please read our policies and guidelines here.

Are you a


Flow Cytometry Facility

Instituto de Medicina Molecular, room P2-A-49
Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa
Av. Prof. Egas Moniz
1649-028 Lisboa

Internal phone extension: 47222 / 47224

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about.1539255076.txt.gz · Last modified: 2018/10/11 12:51 by flowcytometry