18-22 November: 5th FLxFlow Course - Principles and Aplications of Flow Cytometry
3 March: Synchronized Microscopy and Flow Cytometry: The exclusive advantages of the Imaging Flow Cytometer Amnis® Imagestream®x MK II for Multidisciplinary Research
9 March: FlowJo v10 Seminar & Training
29 March: FLxFlow Tech's Café - The Bigfoot Cell Sorter – Flexibility and Performance, a legend come true!
8-12 May: 4th FLxFlow Course - Principles and Aplications of Flow Cytometry
8 November: FLxFlow Tech's Café - Multiomics and TotalSeq Reagents
1 April: Cytometry Data Analysis in FlowJo v10
28 April: FLxFlow Tech's Café - Empowering your research with advanced Multicolor Flow Cytometry
23 June: FLxFlow Webinar - Autofluorescence Resolution in Conventional and Spectral Cytometers
29 September: FLxFlow Tech's Café - Evaluating antigen specificity and its impact on immunity using Dextramer technology
3 November: FLxFlow Workshop on Best Practices in Panel Design
17 November: FLxFlow Tech's Café - Innovative solutions for Flow Cytometry and antibody-realted worfkflows
27 - 29 April: FCS Express - Turning Cytometry data into results
10 - 20 May: 3rd FLxFlow Course - Principles and Aplications of Flow Cytometry
17 June: Cytek Aurora - Pushing the limits of fluorescence in a fluorescent limited world
12 - 16 Nov: 2nd FLxFlow Course - Principles and Aplications of Flow Cytometry
16 - 20 Oct: 1st FLxFlow Course - Principles and Aplications of Flow Cytometry