Location: Oeiras Site, Room 0B01, Bartolomeu Dias Wing,
( 4625)
Manufacturer: Cytek
Model: Cytek Aurora
Nickname: "Aurora Oeiras"
Software: SpectroFlo 3.3.0
Year: 2020
SN: Y0611 + CD125 (Loader AMS)
Cytek Aurora Booking
Cytek Aurora Brochure

{{:info.gif|}} **Next Scheduled Maintenances**: ===== System overview ===== {{ :optical_filters_aurora.png?0x250|}} The Cytek Aurora leverages full spectrum technology to provide flexibility to scientists, enabling the use of a wide array of new fluorochrome combinations without reconfiguring the system for each application. The Aurora system delivers high-resolution data at the single-cell level to resolve the most challenging cell populations, such as cells with high autofluorescence or low levels of expression of key biomarkers, regardless of assay complexity. \\ \\ * **4 spatially separated lasers**: Violet (405nm - 100mW), Blue (488nm - 50mW), Yellow Green (561nm - 50mW) and Red (640nm - 80mW) * **3 scatter channels**: 488nm FSC, 405nm SSC, 488nm SSC * **48 fluorescent detectors**: * V detector: 16 channels with optimized bandwidth from 420-829nm * B detector: 14 channels with optimized bandwidth from 498-829nm * YG detector: 10 channels with optimized bandwidth from 567-829nm * R detector: 8 channels with optimized bandwidth from 652-829nm * **Fluidics** * Vacuum-based fluidics system: manual acquisition from multiple tube formats * In-line flow meter: bead-less absolute cell count, bubble and clog detection * ** Auto Micro-Sampling System (AMS)** * compatible with __96-well plates__ If you need high parameter cell analysis, check also the [[bd_facs_symphony_a5_se|BD FACSymphony A5 SE]] and the [[cytek_aurora|CYTEK Aurora]] in Lisbon site. ===== Configuration ===== \\ \\ ===== Suggested Fluorochrome Peak Channels =====
===== Useful Links when Preparing your Experiment ===== * * * ===== Booking Rules ===== Available 7 days a week, 24 hours a day for trained researchers. ---- [[resources|Back to the Equipment page]]