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trainingselfsorting [2024/02/22 22:47]
trainingselfsorting [2024/10/30 17:03] (current)
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 **Prerequisite for sorter training** **Prerequisite for sorter training**
-We expect that you are able to operate an analyzer (BD LSR Fortessa ​ or BD  ​LSR Fortessa ​X-20) independently. We observed that users without practical experience in FACS Diva software have massive difficulties during the first training sessions. If you were trained on a different instrument, we highly recommend using one of our analyzers to make yourself familiar with this software before the start of the sorter training.+We expect that you are able to operate an analyzer (BD LSRFortessa ​ or BD  ​LSRFortessa ​X-20) independently. We observed that users without practical experience in FACS Diva software have massive difficulties during the first training sessions. If you were trained on a different instrument, we highly recommend using one of our analyzers to make yourself familiar with this software before the start of the sorter training.
 **Training** **Training**
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trainingselfsorting.1708638424.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2024/02/22 22:47 by flowcytometry