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quality [2017/04/13 16:45]
flowcytometry created
quality [2022/04/19 17:13] (current)
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-====== ​Microscope ​Quality Control ======+====== ​Maintenance and Quality Control ======
-==== CST ====+{{  cs_t_beads.png?​700 ​ }} 
-{{CSTs.png |}} We perform daily Cytometer Setup & Tracking (CST) on our cytometers using BD CS&T research beads to track performance metrics such as detection efficiency, standard deviation of electronic noise, laser current, and optical background.\\ +We perform daily **Cytometer Setup & Tracking (CST)** on our cytometers using BD CS&T research beads to track performance metrics such as detection efficiency, standard deviation of electronic noise, laser current, and optical background.\\ 
-In the quality control plots below you can check one of the measured parameters, the Bright Bead % Robust CV, for the first day of each month.\\ +If there is a major alteration over timewe troubleshoot ​the problem ​to solve it as promptly as possible
-Please contact us if you want to check the CST values for a particular date.+
 \\ \\
 \\ \\
 +{{  rainbow_beads.png?​1000 ​ }} 
 \\ \\
 +We also run **Rainbow 8 peak Beads (RB)** as a routine calibration of the flow cytometers to evaluate the linearity of the system. ​
 +These RB 8 peak beads are also specific for following the EuroFlow(TM) standardization guidelines.\\
 +Please contact us if you want to check the CST or RB values for a particular date.
 +==== Pseudomonas Contamination Timeline ====
-==== Check the Systems ====+[[aria_fusion_contamination|BD FACSAria Fusion]]
-=== Cell Sorters === +[[aria_iii_contamination|BD FACSAria III]]
-  * [[bd_facsaria_iii_quality|BD FACSAria III]] +
-  * [[bd_facsaria_iiu_quality|BD FACSAria IIu]]+
-=== Cell Analyzers === +[[aria_iiu_contamination|BD FACSAria IIu]] (no longer available...)
-  * [[bd_lsrfortessa_1_quality|BD LSRFortessa 1]] +
-  * [[bd_lsrfortessa_1_quality|BD LSRFortessa 2]] +
-  * [[bd_lsrfortessa_x20_quality|BD LSRFortessa X-20]]+
 ---- ----
 [[resources|Back to the Resources page]] [[resources|Back to the Resources page]]
quality.1492094725.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/04/13 16:45 by flowcytometry