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Location: [Lisbon] Room P2-A-24 ( 47219)
Manufacturer: ZEISS Microscopy
Model: Axio Observer
Nickname: "Cell Observer"
Software: ZEN 3.0 (blue edition)
Year: 2015
SN: 3851002396
Data will be deleted after: 15 days  
Zeiss Cell Observer Quality Control
Zeiss Cell Observer Usage Statistics

Microscope overview

The Zeiss Cell Observer is a fully motorized inverted widefield fluorescence microscope ideal for live-cell imaging with fast acquisition speeds. It is equipped with a large cage incubator and a stage top incubator for temperature control and CO2 supply and with Definite Focus for hardware focus control during long time-lapse acquisitions. Using the ZEN software you can control the motorized filters, shutters and stage to simultaneously set up multi-color time-lapse imaging experiments in multiple stage positions. The stage is furthermore equipped with a piezo for fast Z displacement. You can choose between a HXP metal halide lamp or fast-switching LEDs for illumination. Its cooled Axiocam 506m camera allows you to capture weak fluorescent signals and minimize photobleaching/photodamage in light sensitive samples. It is also equipped with a high sensitivity Photometrics Prime BSI Express sCMOS camera for high resolution imaging with maximized signal detection.

This system is also set up to work together with the AKOYA PhenoCycler fluidics instrument for automated iterative imaging cycles of whole slide tissues for Spatial Biology applications, such as image-based quantification of biomarkers to predict immunotherapy response, or quantification of cells by lineage and variant with single-cell resolution in the context of an intact tissue sample.

Data files older than 15 days will be automatically deleted on this system, please copy your data to the GIMM server using the desktop link.

Booking Rules

  1. Users can book at maximum 8 hours per week
  2. This usage restriction does not apply for weekends and for working days before 9:00 and after 21:00
  3. Exceptions to these rules require approval from José Rino.

System components


Line Wavelength
UV 385 nm
B 475 nm
G 555 nm
Y 590 nm
R 630 nm


Position Filterset Reference Excitation Dichroic Emission
1 HE GFP FS38HE 450-490 nm 495 nm 500-550 nm
2 HE DsRed FS43HE 538-562 nm 570 nm 570-640 nm
3 Cy5 FS50 625-655 nm 660 nm 665-715 nm
4 Analyzer DIC
5 QUAD FS90HE 370-400 nm 405 nm 410-440 nm
450-488 nm 493 nm 499-529 nm
540-570 nm 575 nm 580-605 nm
615-648 nm 653 nm 659-759 nm
6 DAPI FS49 335-383 nm 395 nm 420-470 nm


Magnification Model Immersion NA WD (mm) Reference
10x EC Plan-Neofluar Ph1 Air 0.30 5.20 420341-9911-000
20x Plan-Apochromat Air 0.80 0.55 420650-9901-000
20x EC Plan-Neofluar Ph 2 Air 0.50 2.00 440341-9904-000
40x EC Plan-NeoFluar Air 0.75 0.71 420360-9900-000
63x Plan-Apochromat DIC Oil 1.40 0.19 420782-9900-000
63x Plan-Apochromat Ph3 Oil 1.40 0.19 420781-9910-000

Upon request:

Magnification Model Immersion NA WD (mm) Reference
1.25x EC Epiplan-Neofluar Air 0.035 4.00 422310-9900-000
5x EC Plan-NeoFluar Air 0.16 18.50 420330-9901-000
10x EC Plan-Neofluar Air 0.30 5.20 420340-9901-000
25x LCI Plan-Neofluar Corr DIC Oil/Glyc/W 0.80 0.21 420852-9972-000
40x Plan-Apochromat Corr Air 0.95 0.25 420660-9970-000
40x Plan-Neofluar Ph3 Oil 1.30 0.20 440451-9903-000
100x Plan-Apochromat DIC Oil 1.40 0.17 440782-9902-000


Model Type Frame Size Pixel Size (µm)
Axiocam 506 mono CCD 2752 x 2208 4.54 x 4.54

System Turn On Procedures

System Turn Off procedures

If there is another user for this microscope is the next hour:


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