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Location: [Oeiras] Room 0B16
Manufacturer: Agilent
Model: BioTek Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multimode Reader
Nickname: Cytation 5
Software: Gen 5 Image Prime
Year: 2024
Data will be deleted after: 1 month  
Agilent Cytation 5 Quality Control
Agilent Cytation 5 Usage Statistics

Microscope overview

The Cytation 5 Cell Imaging Multimode Reader is a fully automated plate and slide reader equipped with an inverted widefield configuration.

This unit is capable of imaging from 4-40x with fluorescence and/or brightfield (mono or RGB). It is equipped with three different excitation LEDs and filter sets (there is a fourth slot which is mainly used for hardware-based autofocus, but which can be replaced by a 4th fluorescence channel upon request).

It is also equipped with an atmosphere control unit for regulating CO2 concentration (for live cell imaging), and capable of setting up for hypoxia conditions also. The multimode detection modules include filter- and monochromator-based fluorescence detection, luminescence, and UV-Vis absorbance detection.

Filtersets available

Default Config Filterset Filterset Reference LED wavelength (nm) LED reference Excitation (nm) Dichroic (nm) Emission (nm)
Pos 1 Laser Autofocus 1225010 - - - - -
Pos 2 DAPI 1225100 365 1225007 377/50 409 447/60
- GFP 1225101 465 1225001 469/35 497 525/39
Pos 3 Propidium Iodide 1225111 523 1225003 531/40 605 647/57
- Texas Red 1225102 590 1225002 586/15 605 647/57
Pos 4 Cy5 1225105 623 1225005 628/40 660 685/40


Magnification Model Immersion NA WD (mm) Reference
4x Plan-Semiapochromat Fluorescence Air 0.13 17 UPLFLN4X
20x Plan-Semiapochromat Fluorescence Air 0.45 6.60-7.80 LUCPLFLN20X
40x Plan-Semiapochromat Fluorescence Air 0.6 2.70-4.00 LUCPLFLN40X


Model Frame Size Pixel Size (µm) Quantum Efficiency
FLIR Chameleon3 CM3-U3-50S5M (mono) 2448 × 2048 3.45 x 3.45 69% (at 525 nm)

Pixel Size

Images coming from the Cytation 5 are not calibrated, even though the system has that information available. In the images' metadata you can find the PixelWidth and the ImageWidthMicrons, and by dividing the latter for the first, you get the Pixel Size to calibrate your images. You can find this information below, per objective and Field Of View (FOV):

Objective FOV Image Size (pixels) Image Size (microns) Pixel Size (microns)
4x Full 1992 x 1992 3474 x 3474 ~1.7440 x ~1.7440
4x 75% 1496 x 1496 2609 x 2609 ~1.7440 x ~1.7440
4x Standard 1224 x 904 2135 x 1576 ~1.7443 x ~1.7434
20x Full 1992 x 1992 694 x 694 ~0.3484 x ~0.3484
20x 75% 1496 x 1496 521 x 521 ~0.3483 x ~0.3483
20x Standard 1224 x 904 427 x 315 ~0.3489 x ~0.3485
40x Full 1992 x 1992 347 x 347 ~0.1742 x ~0.1742
40x 75% 1496 x 1496 260 x 260 ~0.1738 x ~0.1738
40x Standard 1224 x 904 213 x 157 ~0.1740 x ~0.1737

CO2 and/or O2 Control Procedure

Microscope Turn On Procedure

Microscope Turn Off Procedure

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