Data will be deleted after: 3 months  
Location: Bartolomeu Dias wing
Z2 Lightsheet Workstation Usage Statistics

===== System overview ===== Z2 is a 64-bit PC running Windows 10, dedicated to light sheet imaging analysis, equipped with: * 2x Intel® Xeon Processor E5.2620 @ 2.4GHz * 256 GB DDR4 RAM memory * 2x 256 GB SSD + 36 TB disk space * 8 GB NVIDIA Quadro P4000 (graphics card) * 30" TFT monitor ===== Software ===== * {{:fiji_icon.png?35|}} **[[|FIJI]]** * FIJI is just ImageJ (“batteries-included” distribution of ImageJ2) * {{zen_icon.png?35|}} **[[|Zeiss ZEN Blue 3.11 Desk]]** * **Lightsheet Processing** * {{zen__black_icon.png?35|}} **[[|Zeiss ZEN Black 2014 SP1]]** * **Lightsheet Processing** * {{:matlab_icon.png?35|}} **[[|MATLAB R2020a]]** * Programming and numeric computing platform, with the following toolboxes: Curve Fitting, Image Acquisition and Image Processing, Optimization and Parallel Computing, Partial Differential Equation and Statistics and Machine Learning * {{arivis_icon.png?35|}} **[[|Arivis 4D Vision v3.1.2]]** * A modular software for multi-channel 2D, 3D and 4D images of almost unlimited size, highly scalable and independent of local system resources. {{:warning.png?25|}} Data files older than **3 months** will be automatically deleted on this system, please copy your data to the file server using the desktop link. ---- [[resources|Back to the Equipment page]]