Year installed: 2020
Location: main lab
Huygens Workstation Usage Statistics

===== System overview ===== This workstation has Huygens v23.10.0p2 for image deconvolution and aberration correction. It can also be booked for processing demanding FIJI, QuPath and Ilastik operations, and other open-source tools (eg, AI/ML workflows). ===== Workstation specs (2025) ===== * CPU: Intel i7 7800X (6x2 cores) @3.5GHz (max 3.50 GHz) * RAM: 128 GB DDR4 * Graphics: nVidia GeForce GTX970 - 4 GB VRAM * OS: Windows10 Pro 64 Bits * Data storage: 1TB SSD (C:) + 8Tb HHD (D:) + 1TB SSD (E:) (both temp space only!) => Data is automatically deleted after 3 months of inactivity in both (D:) and (E:) drives ===== Software Installed ===== * {{:huygens_icon.png?35|}} **[[|Huygens]]** * Amira v23.10.0p2; SOFTWARE FOR DECONVOLUTION AND ABERRATION CORRECTION * {{:fiji_icon.png?35|}} **[[|FIJI]]** * FIJI is just ImageJ (“batteries-included” distribution of ImageJ2) * {{:qupath_icon.png?40|}} **[[|QuPath 0.4.3]]** * Open Software for Bioimage Analysis of whole slide images * {{slidebook_2022_icon.png?35|}} **[[|3i Slidebook Reader 2022]]** * Supports .SLD file format. * {{nis_icon.png?35|}} **[[|Nikon NIS-Elements Viewer 5.21]]** * Supports .ND2 file format {{:warning.png?25|}} Data files older than **3 months** will be automatically deleted on this system, please copy your data to the server using the desktop link. ---- [[resources|Back to the Equipment page]]