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zeiss_lsm_7_live [2016/04/16 20:48]
zeiss_lsm_7_live [2021/01/17 04:48] (current)
bioimaging [If you want to use the UV laser ablation system:]
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 <a href="/​facility/​bioimaging/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?​media=zeiss_lsm_7_live_wiki.jpg"><​img src="/​facility/​bioimaging/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?​media=zeiss_lsm_7_live_wiki.jpg"​ width=300></​a>​ <a href="/​facility/​bioimaging/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?​media=zeiss_lsm_7_live_wiki.jpg"><​img src="/​facility/​bioimaging/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?​media=zeiss_lsm_7_live_wiki.jpg"​ width=300></​a>​
 <td style="​border:​0px solid white;">​ <p style="​line-height:​1.8">​ <td style="​border:​0px solid white;">​ <p style="​line-height:​1.8">​
-<​b>​Location</​b>: ​<a href="/​facility/​bioimaging/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?​media=zeiss_lsm_7_live_map.jpg">​Room P2-B-42</​a>​ (<img src="/​facility/​bioimaging/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?​media=telephone_icon.gif"​ width=15>​ 47246) ​<​br> ​+<​b>​Location</​b>: ​no longer available ​<​br> ​
 <​b>​Manufacturer</​b>:​ <a href="​http://​​micro"​ target="​_blank">​Carl Zeiss MicroImaging</​a><​br>​ <​b>​Manufacturer</​b>:​ <a href="​http://​​micro"​ target="​_blank">​Carl Zeiss MicroImaging</​a><​br>​
 <​b>​Model</​b>:​ <a href="​http://​​menu/​products/​sci/​lsms/​slsm/​lsm_7_live/​45-0067_elive.pdf"​ target="​_blank">​LSM 5 LIVE</​a><​br>​ <​b>​Model</​b>:​ <a href="​http://​​menu/​products/​sci/​lsms/​slsm/​lsm_7_live/​45-0067_elive.pdf"​ target="​_blank">​LSM 5 LIVE</​a><​br>​
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 &nbsp <br> &nbsp <br>
 &nbsp <br> &nbsp <br>
-&rarr; <a href="​https://​​intranet/​booking/​month.php?​user=ZEISS5LIV&​rid=12"><​img src="/​facility/​bioimaging/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?​media=date.png"> ​ Zeiss LSM 7 Live Booking</​a>​+&rarr; <a href="​https://​​intranet/​booking/​12"><​img src="/​facility/​bioimaging/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?​media=date.png"> ​ Zeiss LSM 7 Live Booking</​a>​
  <​br> ​  <​br> ​
 &rarr; <a href="/​facility/​bioimaging/​doku.php?​id=zeiss_lsm_7_live_quality"><​img src="/​facility/​bioimaging/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?​media=list-icon.png"​ width=18>​ Zeiss LSM 7 Live Quality Control</​a>​ &rarr; <a href="/​facility/​bioimaging/​doku.php?​id=zeiss_lsm_7_live_quality"><​img src="/​facility/​bioimaging/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?​media=list-icon.png"​ width=18>​ Zeiss LSM 7 Live Quality Control</​a>​
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 ===== Microscope overview ===== ===== Microscope overview =====
-{{  :​lsm7live_lighpath.jpg?​0x300|}} The Zeiss LSM 7 Live //confocal line-scanning microscope//​ is a fast imaging system able to analyze high-speed processes with a time resolution of just a few microseconds. It is an upright microscope equipped with water dipping objectives specially suited for live samples in aqueous media. The scanning unit uses a laser beam with a rectangular cross-section to illuminate a whole line in the sample, instead of a single point. This makes image acquisition by its array CCD detectors faster than conventional PMT light detection but it also lowers the Z-resolution due to the usage of slits instead of conventional pinholes. Note that the system is equipped with two lasers (488 and 561 nm) but dual color imaging is not advised since there are no bandpass filters in the system (channel crosstalk is likely to occur). A UV laser controlled by galvanometric mirrors is available for precise ablation in user-defined regions of interest. The spatial resolution of this system is not as high as a //​point-scanning confocal system// such as the [[zeiss_lsm_880|Zeiss LSM 880]] or [[zeiss_lsm_710|Zeiss LSM 710]] but it is much faster than these two systems, achieving scanning speeds which may be even higher than the [[3i_marianas_sdc|3i Marianas SDC]] spinning disk if the acquisition is performed only in a few lines. If your personal computer cannot handle all the data you collected, check out the [[big_guy|Big Guy]] or [[colossus|Colossus]].+{{  :​lsm7live_lighpath.jpg?​0x320|}} The Zeiss LSM 7 Live //confocal line-scanning microscope//​ is a fast imaging system able to analyze high-speed processes with a time resolution of just a few microseconds. It is an upright microscope equipped with water dipping objectives specially suited for live samples in aqueous media. The scanning unit uses a laser beam with a rectangular cross-section to illuminate a whole line in the sample, instead of a single point. This makes image acquisition by its array CCD detectors faster than conventional PMT light detection but it also lowers the Z-resolution due to the usage of slits instead of conventional pinholes. Note that the system is equipped with two lasers (488 and 561 nm) but dual color imaging is not advised since there are no bandpass filters in the system (channel crosstalk is likely to occur). A UV laser controlled by galvanometric mirrors is available for precise ablation in user-defined regions of interest. The spatial resolution of this system is not as high as a //​point-scanning confocal system// such as the [[zeiss_lsm_880|Zeiss LSM 880]] or [[zeiss_lsm_710|Zeiss LSM 710]] but it is much faster than these two systems, achieving scanning speeds which may be even higher than the [[3i_marianas_sdc|3i Marianas SDC]] spinning disk if the acquisition is performed only in a few lines. If your personal computer cannot handle all the data you collected, check out the [[big_guy|Big Guy]] or [[colossus|Colossus]].
-{{info.gif?​|}} **If you are going to use the 561 nm laser please write '​561' ​in the Event Field name**+Click on the image on the left to see the system beam path in higher detail
 ===== System components ===== ===== System components =====
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 |  10x  |  [[https://​​s=3407786617d462&​l=en&​p=uk&​f=o&​a=v&​m=s&​id=440039-0000-000|W Achroplan Ph1]]  |  Water dipping ​ |  0.30  |  3.1  | |  10x  |  [[https://​​s=3407786617d462&​l=en&​p=uk&​f=o&​a=v&​m=s&​id=440039-0000-000|W Achroplan Ph1]]  |  Water dipping ​ |  0.30  |  3.1  |
 |  10x  |  [[https://​​s=2065696c9e13e&​l=en&​p=uk&​f=o&​a=v&​m=s&​id=440330-0000-000|Plan-Neofluar]] ​ |  Dry  |  0.30  |  5.5  | |  10x  |  [[https://​​s=2065696c9e13e&​l=en&​p=uk&​f=o&​a=v&​m=s&​id=440330-0000-000|Plan-Neofluar]] ​ |  Dry  |  0.30  |  5.5  |
-|  20x  |  [[https://​​s=3407786617d462&​l=en&​p=uk&​f=o&​a=v&​m=s&​id=421452-9900-000|W Plan-Apochromat]] ​ |  Water  |  1.00  |  1.8  |+|  20x  |  [[https://​​s=3407786617d462&​l=en&​p=uk&​f=o&​a=v&​m=s&​id=421452-9900-000|W Plan-Apochromat]] ​ |  Water dipping ​ ​| ​ 1.00  |  1.8  |
 |  40x  |  [[https://​​s=3407786617d462&​l=en&​p=uk&​f=o&​a=v&​m=s&​id=440090-9901-000|W Achroplan]] ​ |  Water dipping ​ |  0.80  |  3.6  | |  40x  |  [[https://​​s=3407786617d462&​l=en&​p=uk&​f=o&​a=v&​m=s&​id=440090-9901-000|W Achroplan]] ​ |  Water dipping ​ |  0.80  |  3.6  |
-|  40x  |  [[https://​​s=3407786617d462&​l=en&​p=uk&​f=o&​a=v&​m=s&​id=440451-9903-000|Plan-Neofluar Ph3]]  |  Oil  |  1.30  |  0.20  |+
 ==== Filtersets (Ocular) ==== ==== Filtersets (Ocular) ====
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 ===== If you want to use the UV laser ablation system: ===== ===== If you want to use the UV laser ablation system: =====
-  * Please contact the [[about|Bioimaging ​Facility]] (Ext: 47316). The ablation system requires specific training even for users that are already trained on the LSM 7 Live itself.+  * Please contact the [[about|Bioimaging ​Unit]] (Ext: 47316). The ablation system requires specific training even for users that are already trained on the LSM 7 Live itself.
 ---- ----
-[[resources|Back to the Resources ​page]]+[[resources|Back to the Equipment ​page]]
zeiss_lsm_7_live.1460832521.txt.gz · Last modified: 2016/04/16 20:48 by bioimaging