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resources [2025/01/05 18:19]
resources [2025/01/14 16:36] (current)
Line 1: Line 1:
-<​html><​img src="/​facility/​bioimaging/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?​media=microscope_section.png"><​BR><BR></​html>​+<​html> ​ 
 +  <! –– MT was here hehehehehe (mas a Madalena é que programou... xD) ––>​ 
 +  <div style="​display:​flex;​ justify-content:​ space-between;">​  
 +    <div>  
 +      ​<img src="/​facility/​bioimaging/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?​media=microscope_section.png">​ 
 +      ​</div 
 +    ​<div style="​align-content:​ start; display:​flex;​ justify-content:​ space-between;">​ 
 +      <img src="/​facility/​bioimaging/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?​media=maps.png"​ style="​width:​50px;​height:​50px">​  
 +      <div style="​margin-left:​14px;">​ 
 +        <​div>​ 
 +          Where are the microscopes?​ 
 +          </​div>​ 
 +        <div style="​text-align:​ center;">​ 
 +          <a href="​https://​​facility/​bioimaging/​doku.php?​id=maps">​[Lisbon]</​a>​ 
 +          | 
 +          <a href="​https://​​facility/​bioimaging/​doku.php?​id=maps_oeiras">​[Oeiras]</​a>​ 
 +          </​div>​ 
 +        </​div>​ 
 +      </​div>​ 
 +  </div 
-{{maps.png?40 |}} Where are the microscopes?​ \\ +<​html>​ 
-[[maps|[Lisbon]]] ​ |  [[maps_oeiras|[Oeiras]]]+<img src="/​facility/​bioimaging/​lib/​exe/​fetch.php?media=number_of_systems.png"​ width=395>​ 
-{{number_of_systems.png?​600}} +{{::​widefield_bar.png?​680  ​|}} ​
- +
-{{::​widefield_bar.png? ​ |}} +
 ==== Widefield Systems ====  ==== Widefield Systems ==== 
Line 15: Line 36:
 \\ \\
-{{::​spinning_disk_bar.png? ​ |}} +{{::​spinning_disk_bar.png?​680  ​|}} ​
 ==== Spinning Disk Confocals ==== ==== Spinning Disk Confocals ====
Line 25: Line 46:
 \\ \\
-{{::​point_scanning_bar.png? ​ |}} +{{::​point_scanning_bar.png?​680  ​|}} ​
 ==== Point Scanning Confocals ==== ==== Point Scanning Confocals ====
Line 34: Line 55:
 \\ \\
-{{::​lightsheet_bar.png? ​ |}}+{{::​lightsheet_bar.png?​680  |}}
 ==== Light Sheet Microscopes ​ ==== ==== Light Sheet Microscopes ​ ====
Line 42: Line 63:
-{{::​brightfield_bar.png? ​ |}} +{{::​brightfield_bar.png?​680  ​|}} ​
 ==== Brightfield / Stereo Microscopes ==== ==== Brightfield / Stereo Microscopes ====
-[[leica_dm2500|{{::​lisbon_-_leica_dm2500_with_name.png?​170|}}]] [[zeiss_lumar_v12|{{::​oeiras_-_zeiss_lumar_v12_with_name.png?​170|}}]] [[zeiss_axiozoom_v16|{{::​lisbon_-_zeiss_axiozoom_v16_with_name.png?​170|}}]]+[[leica_dm2500|{{::​lisbon_-_leica_dm2500_with_name.png?​170|}}]] [[oeiras_zeiss_lumar_v12|{{::​oeiras_-_zeiss_lumar_v12_with_name.png?​170|}}]] [[zeiss_axiozoom_v16|{{::​lisbon_-_zeiss_axiozoom_v16_with_name.png?​170|}}]]
 \\ \\
-{{::​multiphoton_bar.png? ​ |}} +{{::​multiphoton_bar.png?​680  ​|}} ​
 ==== Multiphoton Microscopes ==== ==== Multiphoton Microscopes ====
Line 56: Line 77:
 \\ \\
-{{::​lumina_bar.png? ​ |}}  +{{::​lumina_bar.png?​680  |}}  
-==== Bioluminescent ​System ====+==== Bioluminescence ​System ====
 [[ivis_lumina|{{::​lisbon_-_ivis_lumina_with_name.png?​170|}}]] [[ivis_lumina|{{::​lisbon_-_ivis_lumina_with_name.png?​170|}}]]
Line 63: Line 84:
 \\ \\
-{{::​workstations_bar.png? ​ |}} +{{::​workstations_bar.png?​850  ​|}} ​
 ==== Workstations ==== ==== Workstations ====
-[[amira|{{::​oeiras_-_amira_workstation_with_name.png?​170|}}]] [[chronos|{{::​lisbon_-_chronos_with_name.png?​170|}}]] [[huygens|{{::​oeiras_-_huygens_workstation_with_name.png?​170|}}]] [[imaris|{{::​oeiras_-_imaris_workstation_with_name.png?​170|}}]] +[[amira|{{::​oeiras_-_amira_workstation_with_name.png?​140|}}]] [[chronos|{{::​lisbon_-_chronos_with_name.png?​140|}}]] [[huygens|{{::​oeiras_-_huygens_workstation_with_name.png?​140|}}]] [[imaris|{{::​oeiras_-_imaris_workstation_with_name.png?​140|}}]] [[z2_workstation|{{::​oeiras_-_z2_workstation_with_name.png?​140|}}]] [[z3_workstation|{{::​oeiras_-_z3_workstation_with_name.png?​140|}}]]
- +
-[[z2_workstation|{{::​oeiras_-_z2_workstation_with_name.png?​170|}}]] [[z3_workstation|{{::​oeiras_-_z3_workstation_with_name.png?​170|}}]]+
 \\ \\
Line 74: Line 93:
 ==== No longer available... ==== ==== No longer available... ====
-  * [[zeiss_lsm_710|Zeiss LSM 710]] -> retired +  * [[zeiss_lsm_710|[Lisbon] ​Zeiss LSM 710]] -> retired 
-  * [[colossus|Colossus]] - Image processing and analysis workstation -> retired +  * [[colossus|[Lisbon] ​Colossus]] - Image processing and analysis workstation -> retired 
-  * [[leica_dm5000b|Leica DM5000B]] -> retired +  * [[leica_dm5000b|[Lisbon] ​Leica DM5000B]] -> retired 
-  * [[nikon_eclipse_te2000e|Nikon Eclipse TE2000-E]] -> retired +  * [[nikon_eclipse_te2000e|[Lisbon] ​Nikon Eclipse TE2000-E]] -> retired 
-  * [[zeiss_lumar_v12|Zeiss Lumar V12]] -> moved to Fish Facility +  * [[zeiss_lumar_v12|[Lisbon] ​Zeiss Lumar V12]] -> moved to Fish Facility 
-  * [[big_guy|Big Guy]] - Image processing and analysis workstation -> retired +  * [[big_guy|[Lisbon] ​Big Guy]] - Image processing and analysis workstation -> retired 
-  * [[brainstorm|Brainstorm]] - SVI Huygens deconvolution server -> retired +  * [[brainstorm|[Lisbon] ​Brainstorm]] - SVI Huygens deconvolution server -> retired 
-  * [[zeiss_LSM_7_Live|Zeiss LSM 7 Live]] -> retired +  * [[zeiss_LSM_7_Live|[Lisbon] ​Zeiss LSM 7 Live]] -> retired 
-  * [[zeiss_lsm_510_meta|Zeiss LSM 510 META]] -> retired +  * [[zeiss_lsm_510_meta|[Lisbon] ​Zeiss LSM 510 META]] -> retired 
-  * [[andor_revolution|Andor Revolution]] -> moved to [[https://​​pt-pt/​investigacao/​|NOVA Medical School]] +  * [[andor_revolution|[Lisbon] ​Andor Revolution]] -> moved to [[https://​​pt-pt/​investigacao/​|NOVA Medical School]] 
-  * [[zeiss_lsm_510|Zeiss LSM 510]] -> retired +  * [[zeiss_lsm_510|[Lisbon] ​Zeiss LSM 510]] -> retired 
-  * [[leica_dmr|Leica DMR]] -> retired+  * [[leica_dmr|[Lisbon] ​Leica DMR]] -> retired
 ---- ----
 [[start|Back to the Bioimaging Wiki]] [[start|Back to the Bioimaging Wiki]]
resources.1736097583.txt.gz · Last modified: 2025/01/05 18:19 by bioimaging