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leica_sp8_mp [2025/01/06 01:18]
leica_sp8_mp [2025/01/14 16:44] (current)
bioimaging [Microscope overview]
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 {{:​info.png?​25|}} Click on the image on the right to see it in higher detail {{:​info.png?​25|}} Click on the image on the right to see it in higher detail
-{{:​warning.png?​25|}} Data files older than **3 months** will be automatically deleted on this system, please copy your data to the iMM server using the desktop link.+{{:​warning.png?​25|}} Data files older than **3 months** will be automatically deleted on this system, please copy your data to the GIMM server using the desktop link.
 ===== System components ===== ===== System components =====
leica_sp8_mp.1736122735.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2025/01/06 01:18 by bioimaging